Friday, August 31, 2012


This post serves to illustrate one of the best manners to express punk artistic concept. Today I present before you a poem written by punk female band Pussy Riot.

Recently the band has been on the covers of all newspapers worldwide due to their utter need to libertine expression. In a country where social behavior is still controlled and manipulated, a few girls tried to kick society’s most sacred tradition and give it a spin. Only problem was tradition cannot stand change and innovation, and due to the closed minded fools and narrowed spirits, the members of the band ended in jail accused of “hooliganism motivated by religious belief”.

Here I stand sharing my opinion that belief is what you make of it and should be totally free personally, and speak to those prick fuckers that a mind cannot be manipulated by society traditions or behaviors.

Thank you Pussy Riot for shaking tradition and bringing the song of freedom to the most encaged minds.

Punk Prayer, English version by Carol Rumens

Virgin Mary, Mother of God, banish Putin, banish Putin, 
Virgin Mary, Mother of God, banish him, we pray thee!
Congregations genuflect,
Black robes brag gilt epaulettes,
Freedom's phantom's gone to heaven,
Gay Pride's chained and in detention.
KGB's chief saint descends
To guide the punks to prison vans.
Don't upset His Saintship, ladies,
Stick to making love and babies.
Crap, crap, this godliness crap!
Crap, crap, this holiness crap!
Virgin Mary, Mother of God.
Be a feminist, we pray thee,
Be a feminist, we pray thee.
Bless our festering bastard-boss.
Let black cars parade the Cross.
The Missionary's in class for cash.
Meet him there, and pay his stash.
Patriarch Gundy believes in Putin.
Better believe in God, you vermin!
Fight for rights, forget the rite –
Join our protest, Holy Virgin.
Virgin Mary, Mother of God, banish Putin, banish Putin,
Virgin Mary, Mother of God, we pray thee, banish him!