Friday, February 24, 2012


Being Punk often enhances the state of self liberation and social freedom from all sorts of imposed behaviors or acts. This is exactly one of the cases that I wish to essay here today. Have you ever thought about how exposed are we to manipulation and conning from all different environments and means? A form of controlling which can best be described as Intoxication on all social and cultural levels.
The Intoxication term is frequently associated with alcohol ingestion or drug abuse. In both cases it leads to addiction manipulation, corporate and marketing conning. One is often defraud by the problem free liberation condition which leads to an addiction state where he can be controlled in favor of the profitable ones. Romans used to drunken their prisoners so to obtain information from them, hence the expression in vino veritas. What was an ancient mean of torture is now used for trading and profiting purposes. The same happens with tobacco. All these substances are produced to maintain you vividly addicted so you can be exploited in terms of consumerism.
All of us think about Intoxication as alcohol or drug ingestion. That is often case but not the full extent of it. TV can also Intoxicate as it is produced in a way to obtain your maximum attention so to feed your mind with useless adverts in hope of some profitable relation. The subconscious TV manipulative tricks are as subtle as they are effective.
Hidden in their penthouses headquarters, corporate chiefs count their endless dollars obtained by intoxication slavery, manipulating people’s mind to a state of anguish where intoxication is the only escape, becoming a hateful being to hate himself more than the corporate killers who had put him in such state. I like to think that such greedy individuals often have to take their drink to be able to sleep at night just on the thought that if millions would rebel and stop coming back for more their wealth will soon be put to a beautiful culmination.
Frederick Douglass once wrote: “When a slave was drunk, the slaveholder had no fear that he would plan an insurrection; no fear that he would escape to the North. It was the sober, thinking slave who was dangerous, and needed the vigilance of his master to keep him slave.”
Stay eyed opened and sharp for these intoxications that are in our daily life. Pay attention and you will see it a lot more often that you had expected.
If you care, here's further reading:

Monday, February 6, 2012


Uma breve actualização de algumas novidades que surgiram nesta espetacular Magazine.
Como se nota temos agora um novo logo mais atractivo e expressivo que o anterior a fazer juz ao belo nome desta magazine. Existe tambem agora espaço para adicionar o vosso email à lista de seguidores deste blog. Subescrevam-se na caixa de texto mesmo por baixo do logo inicial para receberam por email todas a novidades da melhor magazine Ska na cidade.
E para terminar foi criada uma pagina Myspace desta mesma Magazine com a playlist das melhores musicas dos albuns do ano de 2011.